Sarasate Documentary. El espritu espaol ‘, awarded in London

Pamplona – The documentary film about the life and music of the Dutch production Pablo Sarasati, Sarasati. Spanish soul A fruitful career began. The documentary was produced by Armenian violinist Meri Khojian and Dutch pianist Robert Portinga. The documentary won five nominations at various festivals in the United Kingdom, Italy and Russia, and won the Best Biographical Film category at the Flex Film Festival in London. According to this movie contest, Sarasati. Spanish soul It’s “a movie with a lot of potential”.

“It took about two years to produce the 53-minute feature film. We went to Spain several times to investigate. People were incredibly helpful in providing information and materials that we could add to complete the film,” says the promoters of the documentary, The Projects. Especially the relationship between the composer and his beloved country, Pamplona, ​​to which an important part is devoted in this film. ” They highlight, “Sarasate was one of the first musicians to record and with current technology we were able to restore these recordings to make us have a better impression of his phenomenal violin playing.”

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