Santander doubles payments in UK due to technical error

London, United Kingdom /

Banco Santander, via its UK subsidiary, mistakenly distributed 130 million pounds on Christmas Day, about $170 million, which it hopes to recover, due to a “technical problem”.

The bank said on Thursday in a statement sent to France Press agencyConfirming information from The Times.

Duplicate transactions are uploaded directly to the bank’s vaults “At no time has a customer paid out of pocket,” Santander said, having to “work with several banks across the UK to recover” the amounts involved.

between Remittance recipients were employees or suppliers From some of the client companies of Santander – where they got paid or paid twice.

Transfers were made to accounts in many other British banks, making it difficult to recover the money, according to The Times.

The newspaper pointed out that one of these institutions claims that it does not want to recover the money if it means that the account holder is exposed.

Santander It claims to have “quickly identified and corrected” the planning issue that led to the wrong payments, adding that it had opened “bank error recovery procedures” with the beneficiary banks.


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