San Marcos Entrance Exam Results 2023-I | Check your score here and if you have a job vacancy in Economics and Management | Human, legal and social sciences | UNMSM | Nuclear magnetic resonance | gear

This Saturday, October 15, San Marcos National University (UNMSM) held its first day in the framework of the 2023-I entrance exams for Fields (d) economic and administrative sciences and (e) humanities, legal and social sciences.

On this occasion, the university house opened its doors to 8,942 applicants from the above regions. The test was reported to be based on the Cognitive Skills Model (DECO), which favors critical thinking over theorizing and memorization, with a total of 100 multiple-choice questions and one answer, divided into 70 knowledge and 30 skills that are divided into math and verbal, including five in Basic English.

Where do I see results?

What is the next date for the next entrance exam in San Marcos?

The Sunday October 16 A total of 8,072 registered in fields (b) basic sciences and (c) engineering will do the same.

The following weekend, the exam schedule will continue, although there will only be Sunday 23 Octoberthe date on which it will be directed exclusively to 9,272 Health Sciences Area A.

In the process, the largest demand is directed towards careers in human medicine (4,488), law (2,476), systems engineering (1,706), psychology (1,580) and industrial engineering (1,178).

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