Samsung Cell Phones Will Be Updated 4 Years: What You Should Know

A while ago Samsung They announced an increase in the deadline to receive updates on their devices. This term was defined at 3 years For a large portion of its catalog: 2 big Android updates and 3 years of security updates. Now the company has again refined this term in many of its catalogs. From this moment you will receive devices 4 years of updates. This news was announced a month ago, but now Samsung has revealed all the details The stages of promotion. If you have Samsung phone This interests you a lot.

4 years of updates for Samsung phones

The most important thing about this news is that not only the upscale is on the list. Mid and low range are also included in these 4 years of updates Of programs. This means that if you have a Samsung mid / low range Relatively new, you can enjoy 4 years of updates.

This yes, these four years incorrect 4 Android version updates. Your device will see two important updates and it will update the rest of the time Security patches And some points for improvement. It’s not perfect, but it is better than nothing.

The bill of lading will be different depending on the range

Samsung has made it clear that within its first two years of life, it will receive high-end devices Monthly security updates, While they will be received by the medium and low term On a quarterly basis.

During the third year of the device’s life, this frequency may decrease depending on the importance of the device. at The fourth year updates will start to be semi-annualThat is, the stations will receive only two per year.

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It may sound a bit, however Samsung mobiles They are one of the few to offer support for long range, even mid / low range mobiles. It is good that Samsung had to clarify to clarify that the updates will not be monthly or quarterly for the four years: The frequency of support will decrease over time.

this is The news is official At the moment it affects all stations launched from this point on. Also, of course, for older devices. The bad news is that it is not clear from which release year the update phase is valid. Everything points to Cell phones launched from 2019 onwards Within these 4 years of updates.


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