Rutgers Visit: Day Two of the Tour and Meetings at UNA

During the second day, last Tuesday, April 19, the visiting delegation from Rutgers University from the United States of America continued its tour of the various dependencies of the National University of Asuncion (UNA) and meetings with the authorities.

In the early hours of the day, Professor Dra Zale Vera, President of the United Nations University, presented the entire delegation before the faculties and the university authorities.

After the official presentation to the authorities present, they toured the different faculties on the UNA campus in San Lorenzo and met with their representatives to delve into the possibilities of close cooperation with each of them.

Visits and meetings took place in the Faculties of Chemical Sciences (FCQ-UNA), Agricultural Sciences (FCA-UNA), Veterinary Sciences (FCV-UNA), Nursing and Obstetrics (FENOB-UNA), Social Sciences (FACSO-UNA), Engineering (FIUNA) and a meeting With the authorities of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FDCS-UNA) in the upper university council chamber.

Academic units, which gave presentations on their faculties, were represented by various academic and administrative bodies, in order to strengthen existing links between UNA and Rutgers and to coordinate new actions.

The Rector of the University expressed the importance of the new university model, and expressed the necessity of exchanging experiences with professors from different faculties and working in their respective fields and projects.

They seek to include EET in plans at UNA level

One of the deepest projects that the Center for Ethics, Equity and Transparency in Higher Education (CESEET), an initiative of UNA and Rutgers, seeks to include the academic approach of the Three Values ​​into the curricula of all courses at our university.

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Ofelia Vargas, of CESEET said during a meeting between His Excellency the Rector, the accompanying delegation, and the UNA Deans and Deans.

Several principals and graduate managers have also pointed out the need for training in values, in public administration and justice, among other important points.

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