Russia broadcasts propaganda on TV threatening the UK as a potential target for a nuclear attack

Russian TV presenter Boris Johnson has been questioned about the UK’s actions regarding the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, with the British expressing support for the Ukrainian government in the face of the Russian invasion.

Dmitriy KiselyovRussian TV presenter, threatened Boris JohnsonPrime Minister United kingdomindicating that his country could be a target for nuclear attack If it continues to carry out acts that threaten the security of the Russian Federation. The foregoing, in the sense that the British were among the main countries that supported Ukraine Before the invasion of an army Russia.

Kiselyov is considered one of the main advocates of the management Russian President Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. International media reports stated that the Russian broadcaster threatened the United Kingdom twice during his primetime program on Sunday, once by air and once by sea.

Why does Russia with no prospects threaten nuclear weapons when sitting on a small island? Only one version is needed, Boris will go to England once and for all. Why play with us? Moscow to attack them with nuclear weapons.

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