Rupert Grint’s million dollar investment that angers his neighbors

It’s been 11 years since the last movie.Harry PotterThe latest of the eight installments that have already captivated half the world with a youthful tale of magic and mystery. A story of heroism Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert GrintWho became famous and collected huge sums of money.

The latter has been in the news these days precisely because of the fortune he manages after his interpretation of it Ron Weasley in the series of films. A role that has led to him owning a huge amount of money that he now wants to invest, in addition to his famous llama farm, in another plan in Kimpton Grangein the UK.

Rupert Grint is already planning to invest in a major environmental project, a “green city” that has sparked controversy among its neighbors, and is that the actor is seeking to obtain Permit to build 15 new homes in North Herzdivided into Six apartments in an existing building, five new construction and four low-income homesas collected ITV.

An “environmental” plan that would affect forests

Despite the fact that the idea might be attractive to the arrival of more people, the residents of Kimpton are uncomfortable with this plan by Grint, which is that This new construction could affect forests and grass fields, and would harm “greenbelt habitats for bats, frogs, beetles, and red kite birds.”.

“I have no problem with what they want to do with The Lodge and the buildings already on the land. I also have no problem with new houses in town. But The point of a green belt is so that nature can recover and have its own spaceDavina Malcolm, a neighbor said.

As the aforementioned outlet explains, many neighbors are angry about the British actor’s plan, and the effect could be very negative: “If they continue with the project, they will need to replace as many trees as possible, and it will take 20 years or more, for those trees to grow into an established habitat.“.

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