Reusable spacecraft returns from China | China | space | Science and Technology | science news

China has successfully completed the first test flight of a reusable sub-orbital spacecraft capable of landing like an airplane. The craft, which departed on Friday, returned the same day, according to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CSC), which developed the spacecraft.

The spacecraft was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. The spacecraft landed at an airport in Mongolia. The first mission was completely successful, CSC said, without going into details of the spacecraft or testing. Experts say the spacecraft could be used as a satellite if needed. It is able to fly at an altitude of 100 km above the earth’s surface.

Last year, CSC announced plans to build a reusable spacecraft. China aims to build spacecraft capable of flying like conventional aircraft. This spacecraft can reach any corner of the Earth in less than an hour.

China claimed last year that its reusable spacecraft would have a number of innovations. China compared its spacecraft to a self-propelled Boeing X-37B spacecraft built for the US Air Force, which is capable of staying in space for extended periods and returning to Earth on the runway after the mission. However, China has not released the name, technical details, or photos of its spacecraft.

English summary: China has successfully completed the first flight test of a reusable sub-orbital vehicle, which can land like an airplane

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