Results from the largest exercise and fitness study ever conducted

  • Drafting
  • BBC News World

Tired runner silhouette.

image source, Getty Images

to explain,

Exercising vigorously is more efficient than spending more hours doing light exercise.

The benefits of physical activity are widely known to science. However, the relationship between different types of exercise (lighter, more intense, aerobic or not) and improved fitness is not yet fully understood.

To consolidate this knowledge, researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (USA) conducted a large study with More than 2000 participants, which is the largest ever to understand this relationship.

Good physical condition greatly affects health and is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Published in European Heart JournalThe study found that vigorous exercise improves fitness more than light physical activity, such as walking 10,000 steps per day (spread out throughout the day).

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