Residents in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UACH are trained in microsuturing techniques – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

This Tuesday, within the framework of the “Theoretical and Practical Microsurgery Course” organized by the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, in cooperation with the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Service of the Chihuahua Central Hospital, resident doctors have received training in topics such as microsurgical sutures.

On the second day of the workshop, Dr. Omar Avalos discussed the topic “Microscopic suture techniques and their variants.” Next, Dr. Reina Olivas gave a lecture on “Mice as Experimental Animals,” while Dr. Ivan Limon spoke on “Practices in Non-Biological Models.” In addition to theoretical talks, residents carried out practices in the laboratory of the UACH Faculty of Medicine.

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During the course, the importance of microscopic suturing in various medical specialties was highlighted. Emphasis was placed on the importance of clinical practice to absorb and acquire skills in microsurgical techniques.

Moreover, it has been observed that fine sewing skill does not develop gradually over time, because its application requires manual dexterity, which is an integral part of specialized training. This means the need for a pilot laboratory, the corresponding area of ​​which stands out at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UACH.

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For Wednesday 24 April, two main topics are scheduled: “Basic principles of flaps”, by Dr. Claudio Reyes, and “Complications in microsurgery”, which will be taught by Dr. Victor Bueno. In addition, other topics related to the anatomy of the femoral neurovascular bundle will be covered.

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On Thursday, April 25, topics such as “Clinical Application of Microsurgery” by Dr. José Baeza, and “Microsurgical Techniques in the Experimental Model of Aortostomy and Neuroimaging of the Sciatic Nerve” will be presented. “Upper Limb Reimplantation and Reconstruction” moderated by Dr. Aldo Teran will also be discussed.

The event will conclude on Friday, April 26, with the participation of Dr. Ángel González, with the topic “Microsurgical techniques in experimental model”, among others such as “Application of microsurgery”, in addition to which trainees will be able to do internal training and thus apply the knowledge acquired in the same field.

The theoretical-practical course “Experimental Microsurgery 2024” is taught by Prof. Dr. Raúl Manuel Favela Campos and other collaborators; It began on April 22 and ends on Friday, April 26, in the Laboratory of Microsurgery of Dr. Francisco Javier Huerta Rivadeneira, at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua.

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