Researchers have been invited to participate in the symposium

Zacatecas. Being the Autonomous University of Zacatecas (UAZ), through the Doctorate in Educational Administration and Public Policy (DGEPP), and the organizers of the “Sixth Symposium on Arranging Territorial Demarcation”, an invitation is extended to researchers to participate as speakers, and to the university community and the public interested in attending the event in a mixed format
Scheduled to be held on 7, 8 and 9 October 2022 in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Among the topics that will be covered: the nature of the regions. conceptual, theoretical and methodological aspects; legal territories. The official is not necessarily the legal differences between the official accounts; Uses versus soil qualifications. ordinances
urban and rural areas.

The convened institutions are: Department of Geography and Regional Planning. University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities; University of Guadalajara; Department of Tourism Studies. South Coast University Center. University of Guadalajara. AC Michoacan College; Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Public Policy from UAZ, University of Guanajuato.

The organizing committee is made up of Research Professors Herino Martinez Barragan, from the Department of Tourism Studies at the University Center of the South Coast of Jalisco, University of Guadalajara. Martin Sanchez Rodriguez of Michoacan College AC. Octavio Martin Gonzalez Santana of Colegio de Michoacan, AC; Evelyn Alfaro Rodríguez from UAZ, and José Esteban Hernández Gutiérrez, from the University of Guanajuato.

Likewise, the academic committee is made up of two professors: Martin Sánchez Rodriguez of Colegio de Michoacán, AC; Myrna Matilde Quinones Aguirre, Ph.D. in Geography CUCSH; Daniela Rodriguez Contreras, South Coast University Center; Susanna Urzua Soto, PhD student in Social Sciences, CUCSH; and Evelyn Alvaro Rodriguez, of UAZ. Meanwhile, the technical support committee is: Romalda Elizabeth Reyna Vázquez, University Center of La Costa Sur, and Marcos Manuel Ibarra Núñez of UAZ.

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Papers summary receipt dates will be delivered on June 30th; Notification of offer summary evaluation will be on July 15th; reception work
in full on September 5th; Notification of acceptance of papers will be sent on September 19, and the academic program for the Sixth Symposium will be completed by September 26.

For those interested in participating, their application must be through an abstract that includes the title;
authors); Institution of e-mail origin and thematic line in which it is
a job. The guidelines for the text are a summary of a maximum of 250 words, which will be
Send to the Academic Committee for feedback at [email protected].

Of the accepted entries, they must submit the entire document with 2,500 to 3,000 words: Times New Roman 12 point font; 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins (top, bottom, right, left); APA quote. version 6.

For more information, contact the email: [email protected]. The seminar will be broadcast on FB Live on the page: OrdenamientosyDemarcacionesVI. The venues for the event will be the University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as the Normal and Zoom platform:, meeting ID 8284542810j.

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