Report Suggests ChatGPT Could ‘Revolutionize Medicine’

One of the discussions about chat It is her role in medicine. Now, an experience with health professionals has found this Artificial intelligence surpasses doctors In providing high quality, empathetic answers to patient’s written questions.

Although artificial intelligence (AI) will not replace the physician, the JAMA Internal Medicine article notes that professionals are working alongside technologies such as ChatGPT could ‘revolutionize medicine’says the University of California, San Diego, which is responsible for the study.

Led by John W. Ayers, the study compared written responses given by clinicians and ChatGPT to patients’ questions. According to the results, the group of professionals they evaluated preferred the AI’s responses 79% of the time, rating them as Higher quality, more sympathy.

How to implement ChatGPT in medicine

The team set out to see if AI was supported by Open IA can answer accurately On questions that patients send to their doctors.

If so, the researchers say, so could AI models Integration into healthcare systems To improve clinicians’ responses to questions patients ask, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic he Accelerated virtual assistancethus reducing the increasing burden on doctors.

OpenAI is the company that develops ChatGPT. Photo: Reuters.

To get a large and diverse sample of questions and answers from doctors that didn’t contain any personal information, the team turned to the AskDocs forum platform. reddit.

In this, users post questions that are answered by certified health professionals. Although anyone can answer a question, the moderators check the credentials of the professionals and the answers show the level of credentials of the respondent, a statement from the university explains.

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The team randomly selected 195 AskDocs exchanges in which a verified physician answered a general question. Submit the original question to ChatGPT and ask them to write an answer.

A group of three health professionals evaluated each question and its corresponding answers, without knowing whether it came from a doctor or from ChatGPT. They compared the responses on the basis of information quality and empathy, indicating their preferences.

The panel of raters preferred ChatGPT responses to physicians’ responses 79% of the occasions.

“ChatGPT messages responded with accurate and accurate information, often addressing more aspects of the patient’s questions than the clinician’s responses,” said study co-author Jessica Kelly.

Besides the Quality of answers For ChatGPT it was significantly higher than for clinicians: responses of good or very good quality were 3.6 times higher for ChatGPT. Even sympathetic or sympathetic responses were 9.8 times higher for the AI.

The goal, the authors point out, is for a doctor to take advantage of this AI in their daily lives, It does not replace a professional.

“These findings suggest that tools like ChatGPT can efficiently write high-quality, personalized medical advice for clinicians to review,” described Christopher Longhurst of UC San Diego Health.

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