Renewables in El Salvador contributed the most in February

Hydropower and geothermal power rose that month with distinction, authorities said, but geothermal power plants added the most in terms of clean energy.

The government, through the Executive Committee of the River Lemba Hydroelectric Power (CEL) and its subsidiaries, is implementing various projects to generate more electricity for domestic consumption and increase its exports to neighboring countries.

Al-Daghma indicated that this renewable generation sector contributed in February with 215 gigawatt-hours, i.e. a unit of energy equivalent to one billion watt-hours (109 watt-hours) of energy.

Two million Salvadorans benefited from the total output using this source during the month of February, adding a positive impact on the environment.

CEL President Daniel Alvarez emphasized that the authorities’ goal is to bring the country’s energy matrix to 100 percent renewable energy. Right now, he said, 80 percent of what is being created is green, and we want to cover 100 percent in the short and medium term.

El Salvador is an international reference country for the use of geothermal energy and the application of technologies to change its energy matrix.


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