Related questions about the future of the Science Park

Related questions about the future of the Science ParkThat we Andalusians are lucky with our President Moreno is beyond doubt, as is demonstrated by the fact of the extraordinary relationship that seems to unite Juan Manuel with Pope Paco, embodied in the flood that has swept Andalusia since Palm Sunday and which, according to AEMET, is still expected That would start next week, drowning out 90% of the processions in Holy Week 2024. The tenant of the Palace of San Telmo should have asked the same thing from Pope Paco to mediate so that he could and it rained on Andalusia a week later, because it clearly doesn't rain at all. It also satisfies everyone.

I do not know whether because of the week of passion that we are living through, and because weather information these days and the cries of brothers fill the pages of newspapers and radio and television records, Bonilla and his advisor decided to claim the chairman of the Dean’s Council of the Science Park, which is what the Friends of the Park, PSOE, IU, and everyone who believes that the future of the park is threatened. With the invention of that Institute for the Publication of Educational Sciences announced for Malaga, held in the early hours of yesterday, we can almost say that with darkness and treachery.

It is surprising that the President of the Science Park Federation and the Advisor for Educational Development and Vocational Training to the Government of Andalusia, Patricia del Pozo, rejected the Friends of the Science Park Association, and the real social and citizen support for the institution could be for them to have a voice at that meeting, in order to convey to the Board of Directors the reasons for their opposition. To create this new body. What is no less surprising is the fact that the city's mayor, Marifrane Carazo, who was so inclined to interview the Morning Star, did not have a single minute to listen to the Friends of the Park, nor did she deign to respond to interview requests. Announce the accusations against this figure that threatens the future of the park.

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In view of this lack of interest, I have given permission to lend this column to the spokesman of the association, Juan Mata, so that you may become familiar with first-hand some of the questions that would have been appropriate to discuss in the above-mentioned Board of Directors, which are the following:

1. Why does the Ministry of Educational Development and Professional Training see the need to create a new body for scientific publishing in the school environment if the same function has been assigned to the Granada Science Park for decades and has been working to develop it with outstanding efficiency? ?

2. Did the Andalusian government, through some kind of evaluation, discover serious deficiencies in the fulfillment of informational tasks in the school or social sphere by the Granada Science Park such as seeing the need to launch a new object to perform the same tasks?

3. What is the technical or political reason why the Ministry of Educational Development and Vocational Training deems it appropriate to assign tasks similar to scientific publishing to the General Secretariat for Vocational Training and Advanced Technologies, to which the aforementioned Andalusian Institute for Educational Publishing will be attached? For Sciences, and the General Secretariat for Educational Development, to which the Science Park will be attached, and the two departments will be affiliated with the same ministry?

4. Why does the Ministry of Educational Development and Professional Training consider it appropriate to duplicate tasks when it is stated in the preamble of the draft decree establishing the Andalusian Institute for the Educational Publishing of Sciences, Article 129 of Law No. 39 of 2015 of October 1 relating to the Joint Administrative Council’s procedures for public administrations, which stipulates, among the requirements Other, that the regulatory initiative must be justified by the public interest, be based on a clear definition of the desired purposes, be the most appropriate tool to ensure their achievement, and be based on the principle of efficiency, avoiding unnecessary or consequential administrative burdens, and rationalizing the management of public resources in its application?

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5. How does the Ministry of Educational Development and Vocational Training plan to finance “the large volume of planned publishing projects and various services that the center will provide and the large volume of targeted students,” according to the project’s preamble? A draft decree, in a time of austerity and knowing that the tasks assigned to the new organization have already been accomplished with remarkable success and national and international recognition by the Granada Science Park, which has become “the great reference for scientific publishing in the south of Europe,” in the words of the ministry itself?

The fact is that, after seeing what was coming, the Andalusian government backed away from the Parque Peace in Málaga, and to compensate for the shortfall that this project meant for a real science park, as evidenced by the mobilization not only of the political parties, which also, in the case of the PSOE and the IU, but From civil society in Granada through the Association of Friends of the Science Park – which collected thousands of signatures – and the University of Granada itself, which expressed its alarm, the Chancellor announced that she had entrusted the Museum of Granada with the Andalusian strategy for the dissemination of educational sciences. It is the ace with which the Andalusian government changes its wrong and highly questionable decision.

Patricia del Pozo has gone further, ensuring that the Malaga center “will maintain its traditional name, Principia.” That is, it will no longer be the Andalusian Institute for the Publishing of Educational Sciences; It will have the same staff and budget as it had, and will continue the publishing business without any loss to the Science Park.

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Regardless of whether we trust the Council's word too much, too little, or not at all, this complete correction has been achieved thanks in part to the social, media and political mobilization in Granada, demonstrating that when we abandon the nationalism that characterizes us, we are capable of achieving many things. How about now we work with the Andalusian School of Public Health, or the Sierra Nevada, or the Alhambra, or the Center for Music Documentation of Andalusia

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