Rejects the Academy of Humanities Act

They launch a campaign to collect signatures and send a letter to the Senate of the Republic.

The Morelos Academy of Sciences (Acmor) has launched a campaign to collect signatures and send a letter to the Senate of the Republic in order to disapprove the Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation (HCTI) General Act. Although this point has already been voted on.

Through various digital platforms, the Acmor Center – which brings together a large number of researchers, with great national and international prestige – has launched an invitation to the scientific community to join in signing a document, in order to exert greater pressure and social presence so that the voice of scientists and academics is heard.

The President of the Academy, Fidel Alejandro Sánchez Flores – who launched this petition – explained that on April 29 of this year the Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation (HCTI) General Law Initiative was approved.

“This initiative which was handed over to the Senate Science and Technology Committee with a series of irregularities was carried out, in a manner similar to approval last week, by the House Education, Science and Technology Committees. On this occasion, the Science and Technology Committee endorsed the Science Act opinion by signatures, with 58 votes in favour, 2 against and 6 abstentions, so the HCTI Act initiative will be referred to the executive branch for approval.” .

He asserted that “the entire process, from the committees in the House of Representatives to the plenary session of the Senate, in which the bill was approved, was marred by irregularities. Despite countless efforts, suggestions and constructive criticism from the scientific community over a period of four years, the bill does not contain The HCTI Act has only a few proposed changes in incomplete parliaments and still contains flaws and errors that will create legal uncertainty and threaten the country’s present and future science.”

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In the letter, which has already been signed by many scientists, it is stated that in addition to not taking into account the voice of society, the law introduces characteristics that, if accepted, would have consequences and implications for scientific work.

Among these influences, the following are listed:

“Shortfall and disparity in academic representation: the board excludes representatives from universities such as UNAM, IPN, UAM, independent state universities, scientific societies and academies, public research centers (CPI), representatives of federal entities and corporations but increases the number of civil servants, specifically representatives of the army and navy. There will be 8 Only representatives from various sectors cast votes, compared to 14 government representatives.

HCTI’s agenda dictated by CONAHCyT: This limits academic freedom and basic sciences, by directing resources, scholarships, and other support only to those subjects that are part of the Strategic National Programs (PRONACES). In addition, the law requires universities to carry out basic and frontier sciences, but without clarity in law or guaranteeing respect for the university’s autonomy.

Labor Disputes: For CPIs and investigators in Mexico (formerly CONACyT heads), the procedure for replacing an employer is not included in the new law, nor are the legal consequences for a new employer (CONAHCyT). Additionally, with the abolition of CONACyT, there will be no joint liability as dictated by federal labor law.

Contractual disputes: Existing agreements signed by CONACyT and any institution will be affected by their revocation and revocation of their regulations and statute, which leads to legal uncertainty and delays in the allocation or expenditure of already allocated resources.

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Invasion of intellectual property rights: CONAHCyT is required to provide intellectual property rights and exploitation rights, leaving institutions and researchers responsible for works and inventions without the right to generate resources.

Cancellation of HCTI development policies: the target of 1% of GDP was cancelled, and it was only stated that the resources allocated could not be less than those of the previous year, as there was no obligation to increase on a real basis. HCTI needs. In the case of high-quality human resources training, the National Postgraduate Quality Program is abolished, as well as the allocation of scholarships to students without a system that checks the quality and suitability of the postgraduate course, and harmonizes it with PRONACES. In addition, researchers and students in private institutions are discriminated against by not providing them with resources.

Terms without legal context: The law uses terms that have no legal effect or context, but are included within the obligations described in the law. Terms such as “epistemological rigor,” “epistemological pluralism and fairness,” or “knowledge dialogue” are not frames of reference for compliance with the obligation set forth in the law.

An uncertain future for new generations of scientists: The new law does not consider the mechanisms by which new CPIs will be created, or research or professorial positions to integrate students who have graduated and who will graduate from postgraduate courses in the country.

Invasion of State and Municipal Powers and Delimitation: The law does not contemplate the powers of local bodies or give them powers to assign resources, organize, promote or support HCTI activities at various levels of the union government, besides lacking representation. of the State Councils for Science and Technology in 32 federal entities,” the document adds.

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