Regenerative medicine has already been successfully applied to cases of knee osteoarthritis

the knee joint stiffness It is a degenerative disease characterized by the gradual wear and tear of the cartilage that protects the bones of which it is composed Mutual. Today, thanks to advances in the field of regenerative medicineIn Zaragoza, we have a simple and effective remedy to treat this pathological condition CRES Phisiup . Clinic With great success in results, the ability to demand an appointment For consultation, call 976483553.

Osteoarthritis mainly affects the knee Population over 50 years oldIt occurs more often in women than in men, although they can also suffer from it young patients. In these cases, osteoporosis usually accompanies Previous knee injuries. Impact sports (running, playing football, etc.) also help to further deteriorate the joint. Other factors to consider that can lead to knee osteoarthritis are the obesity and weight gain. the Genetics It is also important, as there are people who are more likely than others to develop this disease.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee

Usually, knee osteoarthritis develops slowly and occurs Main symptoms Is it pain. At first, this pain is mild and usually subsides when it occurs comfortbut being a degenerative diseaseOver time, the pain increases and other inconveniences appear, such as Stiffness or difficulty moving.

The main symptom that accompanies knee osteoarthritis is joint pain. seb_ra

It is also common to notice the feeling of Clicking noise when bending the kneeAnd when more effort is made than usual, there may be some internal leakwith the consequence ignite for the entire joint.

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Joint pain

Gives the patient an idea of ​​the degree of pain disease progression. if it was moderate osteoporosisThe patient can be slightly uncomfortable when the joint begins to move, and the pain can refer to the inner side of the knee, to the outer side, to the front, or to the entire knee, depending on the affected area.

In the More advanced degreesbecome disabling diseasewhich forces the patient to take long breaks, which prevents normal daily activity.

new cell therapy

grown ups medical advances The field of regenerative medicine has made it possible to be Highly effective treatments in the field of shocks and the Sports injuries which has already been successfully applied in cases of knee osteoarthritis.

Application of cell therapy in the knee of a patient with osteoarthritis at Kris Clinic. CRES Clinic

In CRES clinics they are pioneers and Experts in this type of treatment They have years of experience and highly qualified professionals in the implementation of these New cell therapies.

Safe and effective technology

the Dr. Carlos Garabomedical director of CRES Clinics and a professional in Combined Regenerative Medicine, who was a sports doctor at Real Zaragoza, explains what these treatments look like. They are technical Very safe and effectiveBecause they investigate a large number of cases stop the cartilage degeneration The ability in many cases to reach Completely renovated If the disease is not very advanced, hence the importance of a Early and accurate diagnosis“.

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“It has no importance Side effects negative There is no rejectionWhere we use biological material from the patient himself. What’s more inaccurate surgery No hospital admissionn or rest, and is performed on an outpatient basis, which has very positive repercussions for faster recovery Dr. Carlos Garabo says:

Application in joints and other tissues

In addition to the knee, everything joints Those with osteoporosis can be treated with regenerative medicine, such as the shoulder, elbow or hip. Muscle and tendon injuries can also be treated with equal success. “We have very positive and hopeful results in the vast majority of cases we treat, and we manage to reduce or reduce them. Eliminate pain, reverse inflammation and restore joint function,” confirms Dr. Carlos Garabo.

Dr. Carlos Garabo emphasizes that early and accurate diagnosis is the key to good outcomes. CRES Clinic

It is very important that these treatments are performed by medical professionals who are experts in regenerative medicine, since A good diagnosis is the key to achieving good results. In cases where the disease is already very advanced, the patient’s quality of life is significantly improved, especially by treatment of chronic pain they suffer

In Zaragoza, . was created CRES . Clinic In the Maria Lustal Street 27. You can make an appointment in advance 976483553.

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