Puerto de Ideas Biobío Festival will bring together leading voices from the sciences and humanities to rethink our relationship with nature

A unique meeting, which invites us to rethink man’s relationship with nature, will take place between August 21 and 27 in Concepción and Talcahuano. The 2023 Biobío Port of Ideas Festival will feature more than 40 guests, scientists, thinkers and artists from around the world, who will take part in conferences, talks and performances for the whole family.

The different disciplines that this Knowledge Festival will bring together will seek to explore innovative perspectives on the environment. From the world of humanities, different thinkers will share their ideas with the audience. Among them is the Italian anthropologist Andrea Stead, known worldwide for his research on gentrification, migration, and man’s relationship to his natural environment.

Steed launched the book at the festival being nature. An anthropological view of changing our relationship to the environment, his most recent article published in Spanish, under the editor imprint of Puerto de Ideas & Orjikh (2023). In addition, he will participate in a conference titled human and non-human. Beyond Species Boundarieswhere it will address the need for a natural and ecological shift in contemporary thought.

Why, if Chile is the world’s fifth largest exporter of marine products, does it have the lowest consumption rates for fish, shellfish and algae? This is one of the paradoxical questions that Sonia Montesino, anthropologist and National Humanities Award winner, will address with her partner, Alejandra Alvear, in the dialogue. To eat fish you have to be very careful Where they will point out, through an anthropological perspective, the cultural relationship of the country’s inhabitants to the surroundings.

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For their part, Peruvian sociologist Cathia Araujo, civil engineer Andrea Rodriguez and writer Carmen Gloria Lopez will be part of a panel discussion entitled Artificial intelligence is here, what do we do? Where they will deal, from various disciplines and approaches, with the challenges that the rapid progress of artificial intelligence has posed before humanity, by reviewing its social and historical aspects and exploring its advantages, problems and possible solutions.

The eco-cafés of the Puerto de Ideas Biobío Festival 2023 are spaces for citizen conversation, to investigate one of the most relevant debates of our time: the relationship with nature. In a relaxed atmosphere at the Cautiva Casa Bar, he will address documentary filmmaker Rene Araneda What are the challenges of documenting wildlife? And next, he will talk about marine biologist Stefan Gilcic Why is it different to do conservation in the oceans than on land?

Actors Nicholas Pobleti and Antonia Zegers, with music by Steen Ulua Carler and under the direction of Isidora Stephenson, will star. winter garden, a dramatic read based on the texts of the South Korean philosopher Byung-chul Han, mainly from his work ‘Praise on Earth’, in which he immortalized the reflections that arose while meticulously dedicating himself to plant cultivation and from the book ‘Disappearance Ritual’. Published in 2020, at the beginning of global confinement.

Information on the full schedule, ticket sales and registration is available at portodeideas.cl. Students can raffle free tickets.

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