Public challenges and perspectives in Latin America and the world

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The social, political and economic importance of the public sector is more evident today than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic and its multi-level effects have demonstrated the critical importance of public investment, public ownership, and management of goods and services.

In the political and academic fields, debates continue about the meaning and scope of public service systems and their relevance to the budget and institutional priorities of national, regional and local governments. Some voices continue to promote the privatization or corporatization of public companies while criticizing the tax burden on commercial and productive activities, while promoting new profit opportunities derived from the use of state resources and the expansion of public services run by private actors. through the public and private sectors. Long-term partnerships or franchises. On the other hand, other voices highlight the importance of government companies as drivers of social and economic development and their fundamental importance in providing services and physical infrastructure, emphasizing the role of the public sector in achieving goals that target higher social, economic and gender levels. equality, and proposing alternatives to deepen democratic oversight, transparency and accountability in state agencies.

This forum proposes to deepen the exchange of ideas on public sector challenges and perspectives with insights to be contributed by representatives of academic, governmental, political and social organizations with direct experience in research and/or working in the public sector from different countries of the world, Latin America and the world. The Forum proposal arises from the process developed by CLACSO and TNI in the past three years with the aim of creating a new space for research and postgraduate training in the field of public business. Building on dialogue and interaction with public companies, trade union organizations, and academic institutions from various countries in Latin America and other regions of the world, CLACSO and TNI have developed an educational proposal at the master’s level to be officially launched under the Ninth Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Social Sciences.

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a program

9:00 am to 9:30 am | Faculty of Law – UNAM [Aula Magna Dr. Jacinto Pallares]

  • Daniel Chavez: Transnational Institute (TNI), Uruguay – The Netherlands
  • Nicholas Arata: Latin American Social Sciences Council, Argentina

The importance and importance of the public sector in the current regional and global context
9:00 am to 11:00 am | Faculty of Law – UNAM [Aula Magna Dr. Jacinto Pallares]


  • Judith Clifton: University of Cantabria, Spain. Spain
  • Rodrigo Mundaca: Governor of the Valparaíso Region, Chile. Chili pepper
  • Sergio Mauricio Zamora: Emcali, Colombia. Colombia

Political and social visions of the future of public affairs in Latin America
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM | Faculty of Law – UNAM [Aula Magna Dr. Jacinto Pallares]


  • Daniel Gado: Municipality of Recoleta / Autonomous University of Recoleta. Chili pepper
  • Denis Rocca Servat: School of Social Sciences. Pontifical Bolivarian University – Headquarters of Medellin. Colombia
  • Gladys Begging Begging: Excel University. Guatemala
  • Johnny Tregus Aroev: Centrimcale. Colombia

Specific research, educational and training needs in the public business sector
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM | Faculty of Law – UNAM [Aula Magna Dr. Jacinto Pallares]


  • Alberto Cortes Ramos: Former Director of the Central American Chair at the University of Costa Rica. Costa Rica
  • Daniel Chavez: Transnational Institute (TNI), Uruguay – The Netherlands
  • Daniel Diaz Sources: University of Cantabria. Spain
  • Mabel Thwaites: Institute for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Buenos Aires. Argentina
  • Susan Spronk: University of Ottawa/Municipal Services Project. Canada

Launch of the International Master’s Program in Public Company Management
From 4:00 pm to 4:15 pm | Faculty of Law – UNAM [Aula Magna Dr. Jacinto Pallares]

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  • Alejandro Gambina: Latin American Social Sciences Council. Argentina
  • Daniel Chavez: Transnational Institute (TNI), Uruguay – The Netherlands
  • Rene Ramirez: UTE University. Ecuador

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