Protesting the BBC in front of the headquarters I left 8 years ago

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Protesters who denied Covid-19, or at least opposed preserving their own health and the health of others through vaccination, came out in anger on Monday at what they thought was the headquarters of the BBC to shout against the chain, which in its practice is a public service struggle for immunity to leave the pandemic behind.

These people are now being run through the gradual implementation of the so-called “certificate” or “Covid passport”, which blocks access to recovery spaces, cultural or sports spaces for those who haven’t been vaccinated or tested negative in a recent test, blaming On the BBC for lying to the public about the vaccine.

The problem is for them, as I told Watchman, is that they made a huge mistake. The mistake helped give greater insight into their protest, but ironically, because they were in the wrong place: the BBC abandoned that building about a decade ago.


The chain, which moved in 2013, maintains three studios there for commercial purposes which it largely rents, primarily to ITV, which broadcasts its morning shows from there. There are also apartments and a private club. Managers, journalists, technicians, and most interested in the protesters, studies and news writing are located 8 km away, in the well-known radio house.

One combination anti-vaccine sounded familiar. It was on the verge of Corbin piers, brother of former Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who can be heard saying, “We have to catch these bastards.” Fellow protesters shouted “Shame!” They called the media “viruses”. The police prevented them from getting to where they thought they were.

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