Program to improve people’s lives

Different everyday situations It leads people to not feel completely satisfied with their lives, despite multiple attempts to do so. However, the solution can lie within you, in I am the therapist.

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To do this, a different group specialists Under the guidance of Paulina Feltrine, a health coach, they will develop a program known as “Connect with yourself to heal. This is based on epigenetics, which refers to how aspects of diet and stress levels and Physical activity They can change our health and the health of our grandchildren.

Health and wellness
Paula Cordoba and Paulina Feltrine. photo courtesy

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The event, access to which will be free, will be held via Online From From 12 to 14 October 2022. This includes a series of nine stepsdivided into modules, so that participants discover different tools that allow them to reconnect with healing power that live within them and are able to transform, in this way, their own Health and wellness.

The Topics to be addressed Will focus on issues such as power of faithand food Stress, the dream emotional releaseamong other things.

I am the healer
Photo: Elijah Heat/Unsplash

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To do this, the group of specialists It includes experts from various fields related to Physical and emotional health.

Those who wish to be a part of “I am the Healer” must subscribe to it This way they will receive, through e-mail, My turn to watch 3 unitswhich will only be available for 24 hoursDuring the days when the seminar will be held.

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