Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences on Campus Cuenca, Daniel Palsaloper, is among the elite 0.1% of the most cited names in the world

The University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) is among the twenty Spanish universities that appear in the latest edition of the Clarivate Analytics study of researchers cited from all over the world after being included in this elite circle of professors from the Faculty of Social Sciences. Science Cuenca Daniel Balsalobre Llorente.

Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences on Campus Cuenca, Daniel Palsaloper, is among the elite 0.1% of the most cited names in the worldProfessor Daniel Balsaloper Llorente (Barcelona, ​​1978), who belongs to the Department of Applied Economics I of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), managed to be among the 0.1 percent of the most cited researchers in the world after being included in the list Famous Researchers of the Year 2022, implemented by Clarivate Analytics, which is considered the most selective in its field. Doctor of Economic Sciences from UCLM and Permanent Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Cuenca Campus, Daniel Balsalobre is one of the most relevant international references in his field of specialization, energy regulation and economics, international taxation and environmental economics, areas of huge future projection in light of the current context.

After being included in this classification of researchers with high citations (Highly cited researchers), the University of Castilla-La Mancha entered the twenty Spanish universities with a reference researcher in this relationship, which, in its 2022 edition, includes only about a hundred Spanish researchers. Not surprisingly, this list identifies one in a thousand world scientists who have published highly influential research papers in their fields of study.

The Clarivate List identifies scholars and social scientists who have demonstrated significant impact by publishing many highly cited articles over the past decade. This relationship has been detailed from the information of the publications of more than eight million researchers worldwide. Since 2014, only 39 out of eighty-three universities in Spain have had a researcher on this list.

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Daniel Balsalobre Lorente is an author and editor for several prestigious international journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (JCR), and also appears in Stanford rankings that analyze scholarly output and research citations. In the latest edition of this list, UCLM was able to place a total of forty-six scholars.

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