Professor of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at the League of Arab States, he spent a residency at the European Center for Nuclear Research in Switzerland


Master’s student in Physics at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS), César Arpe Regalado Elénes, spent his residency at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN, for short). French), during his stay, was collaborating on a project called the Nuclear Instrument System for the Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE 3) Muon ID Project.

The main goal of this project is to detect muons through electronic devices, and to obtain data from particle collisions that occur in the European complex. “This effort is part of the modernization of the ALICE detector, which is scheduled to be implemented in 2035, (…) This initiative was developed In collaboration with the international scientific community, highlighting the importance of the project and its global scope.

The project from the electronic approach is to detect muons from particle collisions. “A muon is an elementary particle that does not decay into other particles and is currently only found in cosmic rays and in laboratories.” The student confirmed that high-energy particle collisions at CERN allow the production of muons, which were discovered in the ALICE experiment.

“From this data, scientists can study and map collisions, providing valuable information about the basic structure of the universe.

César Arbi Regalado Elénes described this experiment as unique and exciting, underscoring the value of working in one of the world’s most advanced research centers in particle physics.

He stressed the importance of knowing what you are passionate about, especially addressing high school students. He commented that many young people, who are ignorant of these fields, do not tend to study physics and electronics, but he stressed that these disciplines are wonderful and necessary for the advancement of scientific knowledge.

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