Prime Video will have “limited advertising” in the US, UK, Germany and Canada in 2024

the Streaming platform Amazon, Prime Video, On Friday, it announced “limited advertising” in the US, UK, Germany and Canada At the beginning of 2024 and at the end of that year in France, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Australia.

The company did not say exactly how many ads or ad minutes it would start next year, but said an option would be offered without Advertising For $2.99 (about €2.81) additional per month for US members.

This is something similar to what Hulu, a streaming company owned by Disney, and YouTube, the video platform that is part of Google, are already doing.

“We will share prices with other countries later. We will send Email to Prime members several weeks before ads run “On Prime Video with information on how to sign up for an ad-free option if they wish,” the company's statement said.

So far, in the US, there is a Prime subscription available – which also offers benefits when shipping products purchased on Amazon-Cost is $14.99 per month also $139 if paid annually.

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