Prime Video revives the popular Australian series “Neighbours”

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Prime Video is reviving Neighbours, the popular Australian series that catapulted Kyle Minogue to stardom

Prime Video has decided to revive the Australian series “Neighbours”, from which stars of planetary proportions such as Kylie Minogue and Margot Robbie were born.

It is probably the most famous TV series with an Australian passport around the world. We point to Neighbour, which was broadcast uninterrupted for 37 years. However, fans of the legendary series are in luck because Prime Video decided to revive the famous “series”, from which stars of planetary proportions such as Kylie Minogue and Margot Robbie were born.

Neighbour The last episode aired approximately 14 months ago, but the streaming video platform decided to bring back the popular Australian series, which New episodes will stream on Prime Video (in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, among other countries) and on Amazon Freevee (in the US and UK).

New batch of episodes Neighbour It will premiere tonight (local time) in the countries where it is scheduled to debut. It is currently unknown whether Spanish Prime Video users will also be able to enjoy the popular series.

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In Australia and overseas on Prime Video, Neighbour It will also air Monday through Friday on Channel 10 and 10 Peach. Among the guest stars in the new edition of the series stands out Guy Pearce (Los Angeles Confidential), and he is one of the oldest stars born in the heat of the neighbors. He will also participate in the reissue Neighbour British actress Mischa BartonFamous for the series O.C. And the movie The Sixth Sense. However, it seems that Kylie Minogue, who once achieved stardom, was thanks to her NeighbourHe will not be participating in the series (at least for now).

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The British private channel Channel 5 has been cancelled Neighbour In 2022 after 37 years on the air, he argued for reasons of a financial nature. In the final chapter of nearly 9,000 episodes NeighbourWhich was broadcast in July 2022, there was a reunion of major stars who once participated in the legendary series. That episode witnessed the participation of Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan, Margot Robbie and others.

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NeighbourWhich in her day was also anointed with fame By Russell Crowe and singer Natalie Imbruglia, It tells the adventures of the residents of Ramsay Street in a fictional Melbourne neighbourhood. Since its first broadcast in 1985 Neighbour For decades it has been a favorite series for viewers in both the UK and Australia.

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