President Nicolas Maduro exercises his right to vote in the elections (+photo)

From the Simon Rodríguez Bolivarian School, in Caracas, the governor, accompanied by the first combatant and deputy of the National Assembly (parliament) Celia Flores, went to room number five and there complied with all the protocols in place.

Good morning, today he came, I said he would arrive in peace, and in peace he arrived and confirmed that “if there is something to preserve and defend, it is peace, harmony and coexistence among Venezuelans.”

He stressed that today must be a day when good triumphs in Venezuela, which is the greatest expression of love.

The Head of State commented that there is a permanent battle between love and hate, between those who hate and want revenge and those of us who love and care for Venezuela.

“It is not an electoral incident nor a slap in the face to a candidate,” he said, referring to the 22-day election campaign that ended on July 25.

He pointed out that it was a free and open election campaign in which everyone spoke and the only candidate being pursued by Goliath and on the networks was me, “but we were not used to complaining but to creative work,” as he put it.

Maduro confirmed that all polling stations, which number more than 30,000, have been fully staffed.

In the dialogue with the press, the dignitaries called for respect for the electoral ruling, and pointed out that “respect for the electoral process is respect for the law, and we are all obligated to respect it.”

He stressed that we demand respect from Venezuela, which has an arbitrator, and we do not interfere in any electoral system in the world.

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In this sense, he expressed that no one would lead Venezuela into chaos because there is an arbitrator and a constitution, and he affirmed that he would respect his decision and recognize it through official publications, and “I will ensure that it is respected.”

“I call on the 10 candidates and the 38 political parties to publicly declare their respect for the official bulletin of the National Electoral Council,” he stressed.

He also stressed that if he is re-elected, his mission will be to further unify the country, deepen dialogue and continue building a new consensus so that Venezuela can have a solid project for the future.

Official Development Assistance/JCD

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