Pope Francis calls for looking into the eyes of the poor

Vatican City Pope Francisco He called here today to look into the eyes of the poor to see reality in a different way.

In a meeting with members of the Italian representation of the Catholic relief organization Caritas, marking the half-century since its founding, the pontiff noted that “if we are not able to look into the eyes of the poor, look in their eyes, touch them with a hug, by hand, we will do nothing.”

With their eyes, Francisco said, we must look at reality, because we look at reality in a different way from the way it enters our mindset, referring to the “Way of the Dispossessed.”

In this sense, he specified that history is viewed not from the perspective of the victors who appear to be beautiful and perfect, but from the perspective of the poor, that is, Jesus.

It is the poor who put their fingers on our contradictions and turn our conscience in a healthy way, calling us to change, noting that when the heart and conscience do not care to look at the poor, it is. Necessary to stop because “something is not working”.

He also urged the pope to maintain the “gospel method” understood as the “modest, tangible but not garish style of love, which he proposes does not impose” a style of free love that does not seek rewards, “he said.

Finally, Francis referred to the “way of creativity” and in this regard asked the members of Caritas Italiana not to be discouraged by the increasing number of new poor and new poverty, while calling on them to continue cultivating “brotherhood dreams” and to be “signs of hope”.

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