After the Director of the Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC), Robert Lopez Lopez, reported that the Piura River comprehensive plan studies would be ready next October, the international expert in river hydraulics and hydrology said, Cesar Alvarado AnsettaHe asserted that the Piurans would be deceived by these documents. “What these gentlemen are experiencing is a mess because they don’t have up-to-date documents,” the specialist told La República.
This, after making sure that UKDT They only have 70% information, while they have 5% storm discharge information.
The director assures that studies of the comprehensive plan will be delivered in October. Photo: ARCC
This professional confirmed that he has the informative documentation at 96% and that in addition, he has the rainwater drainage studies that are 85% complete. However, he does not deliver them to Breach of contract by UKDT with your person.
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Explain, for example, that the UKDT team does not have All terrain river hydraulic simulation files assembled and corrected. “They have some basic documents that they cannot explain because they do not have specialists with experience in this matter,” he stressed.
After this position, the hydraulic specialist He said he would only hand over the said documents if UKDT had reached a settlement and would allow him and its experts to complete the said studies. “We are willing to reconcile, but I don’t know why they don’t want to do it,” he said.
east International expert in river hydraulics and hydrology He led the British technical team until April of this year. The failure to renew his contract led the consultant to consider filing a lawsuit for breach of contract and violation of the copyright clause.
In light of this, the ARCC Chairman said it was up to the UK technical team to resolve the legal issue with former advisor Cesar Alvarado.
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