PhD in Social Sciences • Istituto Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice

Salamanca (Spain). On June 27, 2023, at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Father Patricia Paragues Núñez, daughter of Mary with the help of Christians of the Chilean province Saint Gabriel the Archangel (CIL), concluding his studies in the program PhD in innovation in the social sciences, education mentionIn defense of a doctoral dissertation Educational leadership in American Salesian schools.

to discuss the dissertation Sister Auxilia Chang, Ph.D. in Educational Sciences, Professor Emeritus of the Pontifical College Auxilium and Co-Director of the Doctoral Dissertation; Sister Teresa de Jesus Rubio García, Community Administrator Mother Angela Vespa Rome, Vice Province Maria Madre dela Chiesa (RMC); Community Sisters, Sister Auxiliadora Hernandez, Community Administrator Saint John Bosco Salamanca, province Mary Help Christians (Spa); Dr.. Amparo Jimenez Vivas, who guided Sister Patricia in carrying out the thesis, and other academics close to the doctoral student.

thesis It delves into the reality of scholastic leadership in Salesian schools in Latin America, and establishes relationships between educational leadership and the Salesian educational proposition.

A mixed study was carried out, in which various hypotheses were confirmed by multivariate statistical techniques, as well as a qualitative phase in which 69 principals from 9 schools located in Mexico (Guadalajara), Peru (Lima) were worked on. Brazil (Brasília, Ribeirão Preto, Rio de Janeiro) and Chile (Linares), depend on both the Salesians of Don Bosco and the Daughters of Mary as Christian helpers.

Among the main findings, the importance of strong female educational leadership on the continent stands out; The effects of variables that ensure a positive predictor in teacher professional development and encourage student learning. This study is the first with these characteristics in Salesian schools in America, which will allow us to continue researching topics related to educational leadership in a group of more than 1,000 Salesian schools located in America.

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The Board of Examiners Experts in Education, from the University of Salamanca, the University of Burgos and the Pontifical University of Salamanca, highlighted the defense of Sister Patricia Paragues Núñez’s thesis as outstanding, earning the mention of “Excellence of Excellence”.

On her return to Chile, on June 30 at the home of the province of “María Auxiliadora” (Santiago), Sister Jimena Oyarzo Mansilla of the province, together with the two sister directors of the day, celebrated this academic achievement and wished Sister Patricia a blessing. a task. as a teacher at the Pontificia Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione “Auxilium”. As a gesture of appreciation and gratitude, Father Patricia presented a copy of her doctoral dissertation to Sister María Angelica Fernández, the first Chilean FMA to receive a Doctor of Theology degree.

picture: Flickr FMACIL

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