Passport control falls and causes chaos in the UK | Aviation news, rss1

Passport control falls and causes chaos in the UK |  Aviation news, rss1

British airports are in a state of collapse due to the failure of the computer systems that control the entry of people across the border. The government said they are working on the problem, but for now everything is done manually. (A wave of cancellations at British Airways due to a computer problem)

This chaos adds to the crash of the British Airways computer system, which has been experiencing recurring problems for several years now. This means that Heathrow, the number one airport for international traffic and the most important for British Airways, has been particularly affected.

The disaster occurs on a weekend where Monday is a holiday, exacerbating the meltdown. The Ministry of Interior confirmed that there had been a malfunction in the system that allows the use of digital passports, which affected airports and ports. The ruling was recorded very late on Friday, and spans the entire day of Saturday.

Facial recognition systems make it possible to significantly speed up the processing of transfers. Access to the wanted persons database is still valid.

All airports have endless queues as there are hardly any domestic flights in Britain compared to other countries.

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