Pascual launches Innoventures to promote the food of the future »MuyPymes

The The Pascual family Foot InnovationsThe community you want Promote the food of the future. Pascual Innovations was born, led by the third generation, with the goal of identifying and developing new businesses under a different corporate capital investment model, based on the goal of “providing the best for the future of food”.

It is a commitment from the Pascual family, which was created as an independent company, operating independently, more flexible, but sharing the same vision and values ​​with the company.

Pascual Innoventures seeks to define new outdoor facts and opportunities. One of its main goals is to anticipate global food needs, through innovation, and the creation of companies of the future. All this by forging alliances with startups that share the same philosophy and purpose as the current family business. Always “give my best”.

Four corners

The Innoventures model has four pillars: Exploration, invention, investment and acceleration.

Invented and invested, differential value. Unlike other purely financial investment vehicles created in Spain to foster innovation in the agri-food sector, Pascual Innoventures was born with the aim of helping startups in the development stage. Early stage To evolve to grow together. Thus, Pascual Innoventures becomes not only an investment tool, but also a partner The accelerator that will accompany them throughout the process, from developing the idea or business, to seeking out other investors.

Thus, the selected startups will be linked to Pascual activity and will respond to a common goal and values, operating in the regions where the company is located; Taking as a reference some of the key elements Consumer drivers For your future growth. Of sustainability, circular economy, animal welfare and health; To personalize and enter new channels to reach the consumer. In other words, it is about generating shared value that will allow them to create the Pascual companies of the future.

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On the other hand, in addition to investment, the goal is also ‘invention’. Innoventures has developed the tools and processes needed to create its own startups, through financing, partnership, talent and modus operandi, regardless of the business.

From Google to the family business

The project is led by Gabriel Torres Pascual, Director of Innovation at Pascual and the third generation of the Pascual family. Sigal Rafji, Director of Pascual Innoventures, is a Biochemistry Engineer from UCL (University College London) and a PhD in Rheology.

Rafji started developing his career in Switzerland and France, later moving through various companies in the UK, Ireland and Spain, and also gaining experience in strategic innovation consulting.

For his part, Gabriel Torres Pascual holds a degree in Physical Sciences and an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His professional experience has been developed in the technology sector, having worked for Google in the US and UK.

“The entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, which we possess in our genes, comes from this attitude that my grandfather instilled in us of being noncommittal, and a big and daring dream to take risks, not just in our heads but in our hearts. This is how Pascual Innoventures was born with a focus on the long term and purpose of Providing the best for the future of food. We will work side by side with startups that allow us to move forward into the future. “ Gabriel Torres states.

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