Partigate: Boris Johnson and his finance minister fined for holding parties while in UK custody

  • Drafting
  • BBC News World

Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson

image source, Reuters


Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson have been fined for attending parties during the lockdown.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson; Economy Minister, Rishi Sunak; And Johnson’s wife, Carrie, has been fined for violating the rules during the coronavirus lockdown.

In a statement he read to television cameras in Downing Street, Johnson offered a “broad apology” and admitted he had not adhered to his own rules.

“I understand the anger that many will feel because I have failed to meet the same standards set by the government I lead to protect the public. I sincerely accept that people have a right to expect better.” , He said.

He also announced that he had already paid the fine, but He was clear in stating that he had no intention of resigning from his position.

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