The UK will change its offshore wind link system – El Periodico de la Energía

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson said the government is making plans to revise the way offshore…

Women in science

we have arrived! Was the phrase full of emotion and joy, with which aeronautical engineer Diana…

NASA satellite photos that amaze experts

A series of satellite images taken by NASA In the north Siberian region in Russia, Shows…

Coronavirus in Argentina today: The country is adding 3,168 cases and approaching 52,000 deaths

else 19 people have died and 3,168 people have been reported with the Coronavirus In the…

Movie theater. The script writers are called in to carve out the plot lines

Graciela Guerrero, executive producer of several feature films and international co-productions and coordinator of the Qua…

WGC business day. Mexicans Carlos Ortiz and Abraham Anser entered the top 20

Mediotiempo and AFP editorial United State / 28.02.2021 18:52:16 This Sunday ended World Golf Championship (WGC)…

Trump flirts with a possible 2024 presidential nomination

Life-size statue of Dand Trump at CPAC. Photo: AFP Former US President Donald Trump confirmed, Sunday,…

The UK agrees to give the European Union until April 30 to ratify the post-Brexit deal

The agreement has been provisionally implemented since January 1, and the deadline has been set for…

Ways to plan a final healthy diet

Every time you start, in the long run, you fail to follow a healthy diet. You…

WhatsApp: Hidden Functions You Should Know

The WhatsApp It is an application that claims to have more than two billion users worldwide,…