China Refuses to Use Covid-19 Vaccines for Political Purposes – Prensa Latina

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian stressed that these products are “important weapons” to save lives, not…

Benidorm fights to enter UK ‘green list’ | Hotel news, rss1

The city has COVID-19 cases of 29.8, under the Balearic and Canary Islands Benidorm is struggling…

UMH is organizing a webinar on open data in health sciences on the occasion of Open Management Week 2021

As an initiative I promoted The Alliance for Open Government, Vice President for Research at Miguel…

Battlefield 6’s first images have been filtered

In recent weeks, news about the new installment of the Battlefield franchise has never ceased to…

Coronavirus in the United States today: How many cases were recorded on May 17

pandemic Covid-19 It continues to expand throughout the North American nation and in the rest of…

Ecuadorian Xavier Areaga leads the unbeaten Saunders in the MLS

Ecuadorian defender Xavier Areaga He scored the first goal that paved the way for his team’s…

Nicaragua celebrates the 126th birthday of General Sandino-Prensa Latina

Executive Vice President Rosario Murillo announced last week that the celebrations will be in line with…

AirPods Max will not be compatible with this quality

And not even AirPods Max support Apple Music’s new, lossless, high-quality audioThe company confirmed itself. Yeah…

Disturbing variants of covid-19 have been discovered in America

POR Agence France-Presse One or more of the four variants of covid-19 that cause health concern…

The ‘Open Museums’ policy elevates Reina Sofia and Prado among the most visited in the world in 2020

Painters, sculptors, singers, dancers, filmmakers … regardless of their artistic discipline, all cultural actors have suffered…