7 medical residents completing their training period …

A total of 7 residents in family and community medicine completed their specialist training in health…

Windows will receive its most important update in the past decade

Windows is close to receiving one of the most important updates in its history. These are…

European airlines are taking steps to avoid Belarusian airspace

Belarusians are demonstrating in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, to demand the release of the journalist detained…

Is the content of the platform the same in all countries?

But why is this? Usually it has to do with alliances to license the transmission rights…

The Peruvian national team loses two players to Colombia – international football – sport

The Peruvian national team confirmed two casualties on Tuesday to face Colombia on June 3, in…

Metro Quito untitled after resignation of director – Prensa Latina

Flores confirmed on her Twitter account: ‘When I was hired, my only mission was to put…

The report indicates that the UK Conservative Party has engaged in anti-Islam acts

An independent investigation revealed the involvement of members of the UK Conservative Party in Islamophobia. The…

IEC offers Thursdays in Science at BCEG – Affiliations Notices

Lyon, May 25, 2021. – The State Institute of Culture, through the Central State Library and…

This is why you should stop using Google Chrome if you have an iPhone, iPad, or Mac

Published: May 25, 2021 14:34 GMT It has been discovered that when we use this browser…

Champions League Final will be attended by 16,500 spectators | Football Sports

UEFA announced the opening of ticket sales, with 6,000 finalists assigned to each team, plus invitations…