Reopen. Or return to the long-awaited normalcy. And that is that since last May 17, the…
The University offers clinical fields for medical graduates in Tampico – Gaseta de Tamaulipas
by wording Tampico, Tamaulipas. The Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) awarded 180 places in clinical fields…
Going to Tax Havens, by Jordi Guan
One of the questions, perhaps a bit naive, that many opinion-makers have been asking in recent…
Parenthood is a great movie on Netflix
Netflix Trailer “Parenthood” ‘Parenthood’ with Kevin Hart | Official Trailer | Netflix When is Father’s Day?…
Guillermo Ochoa asks fans not to repeat the cry against the United States
Mexico goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa has sent a powerful message to tricolor fans to stamp out the…
Argentina praises those working to vaccinate against Covid-19 – Prensa Latina
In an initiative that gained traction on Twitter with the hashtag #GraciasVacunadorxs, after 7:00 p.m. local…
Spanish indifference: no ambassador to the UK for four months | Tourism news
Spain plays a lot in the UK but it doesn’t seem to be the case. For…
Ciencistorias: Science told in a funny way | books | entertainment
USFQ Press, the publisher of the University of San Francisco de Quito, presents a book in…
Video: NASA publishes a visualization of the Earth’s passage from the solar eclipse on June 10th 10
Posted: June 5, 2021 13:40 GMT The phenomenon will have its largest appearance in North America.…
G7 agrees tech giants are paying taxes – Comment
On Saturday, June 5, the seven richest countries in the world signed a historic agreement obligating…