Our commitment to the health, safety and well-being of our professionals, collaborators and customers

We are redoubling our efforts for health

To mitigate the devastating effects of the health crisis caused by the Coronavirus, we have redoubled our efforts. During the pandemic, we have put in place strict safety and prevention protocols, implemented globally, that include the use of masks, the installation of thousands of hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers, social distancing for those who have gone to their jobs in person, and air filtration or capacity limitation.

In Spain alone, more than 150,000 tests have been carried out on our specialists, in order to increase the levels of safety in our infrastructure. In addition, we have provided sanitary materials (masks, gels) to prevent infection.

In those other cases where it was possible, the work was carried out remotely, maintaining constant contact and information with professionals approximately, in line with the indications of local government bodies.

Finally, following Santander’s will to lead the response to the coronavirus, we have actively participated in several campaigns of support and solidarity. Among them stand out vaccination center It was developed in the offices of our company in Boadilla del Monte, in cooperation with the health authorities, which have vaccinated more than 55,000 doses of the vaccine.

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