Osorio Chung insists on renewing the leadership and removing “Alito” Moreno

Senator Miguel Angel Osorio Chung Alejandro Moreno, the national leader of the PRI, wants to leave the leadership before the party enters negotiations until 2024 and has confirmed that he will bring the issue before the National Electoral Institute and the Electoral Tribunal of the Federation’s judiciary.

“He has to do that, where we can make the request, and of course we hope that the NIE and TRIFE (sic) will impose in their powers these early democratic elections,” the senator said during an interview with various media outlets. Telecommunications.

The senator said he does not see self-criticism in Alejandro Moreno and therefore wants to anticipate his departure from the leadership.

“You want to stay because you don’t have self-reflection or self-criticism, it’s OK, stay, but I called for elections so that the leadership that will go into August next year is already in place and will accompany the decision – the coalition of 24 that will not be,” he said.

Osorio Chong asserted that Moreno Cardenas did not perform well, and also holds strong accusations of corruption and mismanagement during his tenure as Governor of Campeche.

The senator clarified that although by law, Alejandro Moreno cannot be re-elected as the party’s national leader, he intends to extend his presidency in order to participate in the 2024 electoral process.

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“Although he promised, one of his most telling lies, that he would quit driving in August, the man is considering extending it for three months and then staying during the entire 24 operation. And that’s illegal, we can’t allow that, because he’s not only violating the statute, but he also wants to stay with the party,” he said.

Alejandro Moreno replied

In the face of criticism from Osorio Chong, the PRI leader confirmed that his partner He just wants to divide the party And play the game with Morena.

“It is unfortunate that Rafik Dean adopts the same position as the government of the republic of dividing the opposition, attacking the opposition and trying to divide the Constitutional Revolutionary Party,” Moreno said during a press conference.

Moreno emphasized that if Osorio Chung continued in a divided position, he would have to submit to what was decided by the Politburo, because the laws are clear to those who do not respect the party.

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