Ómicron deals a severe blow to core workers tired of the pandemic

Omicron, the new variable The SARS-CoV-2 virus has become another problem for the global community. Not only to compromise health systems globally, but also to influence Economie The basic aspects of human relations. This assumes a A severe blow to essential workers, since after Wears Normal since 2020, the vigilance The fight against Covid-19 drags on.

in the United States, The collapse of essential workers is imminentThe absence of personnel in the first line of fire to combat Covid-19 is even more apparent. in a New York2,700 police officers were absent in early December 2021, twice the average patient number. NotiPress has compiled information from the American media with the latest news in terms of Fatigue of key personnel ante la omicron variable.

Healthcare workers are the biggest complaints in New York and according to estimates published by CBS NewsIn only three major hospitals there are 1,500 unfilled nursing positions. Rachel Reeves, spokeswoman American Health Care Association The workforce is 15% less than it was before the pandemic, he said.

Some workers in supermarkets in Massachusetts stress local media Those who work up to 50 hours a week and do overtime. This is due to the fact that they work with a limited number of employees and cannot exceed more than 150 employees per store.

On the other hand, the Global increase in coronavirus cases driven by omicron variable is the latest to hospitalsAnd Police departmentsAnd supermarkets and others Basic activities. Staff absences due to Covid-19 tripled in December 2021 in London hospitals and nearly 10% of the city’s firefighters were declared sick.

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London, Capital United kingdom s Alternate focus omicron, was hit by a wave of medical staff absences as acceptance of Covid-19 doubled. US nursing home operators were paralyzed by some of the deadliest coronavirus outbreaks at the start of the latest wave of omicron infections.

Faced with this situation, the British government and others Governments around the world have taken steps to stop the lack of jobs that are considered essential to the community. From public transport bus drivers, to health workers, they are the biggest concern of governors who Fear of increased fatigue and exhaustion among that workforce.

countries like Spain The United Kingdom and the United Kingdom have reduced the duration of their Covid-19 quarantines to ease staffing shortages by allowing people to return to work before and after testing positive. For its part, the US specifically in Massachusetts has done the same for health care workers.

the National Guard The United States has called on hundreds of members to help fill gaps in hospitals and nursing homes where they provide meals, transport patients and perform other non-medical functions. Mike Solan, Responsible Seattle and who drives Police Syndicate From his city, he confirmed that his department has reduced the number of policemen to 300, while there are regularly 1,350 soldiers.

Today, the basic workforce situation in the world is Crossing a critical moment Effective action must be taken to Minimize the chaos it causes, various media reported. Some companies, institutions, even small businesses and companies that are not considered essential Prepares to reduce working hours further or close for a short period if the shortage of workers worsens.

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