Officer accuses ‘enemy foreign country’ of cyber attack

About the cyber attack that hit the British Defense Academy last year, Air Marshal Edward Stringer claimed that the perpetrators were “criminals” or “a hostile foreign state, such as Russia or China”.

It was recently judged that this cyber attack had caused “significant damage” that has yet to be fully rectified.

According to Stringer, countries such as China, Russia, North Korea or Iran could be responsible for the attack or “just someone trying to find a vulnerability for a ransomware attack”.

Stringer made the remarks on Sky News, stating that it is a “real criminal organization” and that work to uncover the truth “is still ongoing and has resulted in operational production costs.”

In addition, the Defense Academy on campus in Shrevenham was forced to rebuild its network after the attack.

Stringer emphasized the latter, explaining that “there were opportunity costs in what our employees could have done when they had to repair that damage.”

He added angrily, “And what can we spend the money that we had to pay to rebuild the network? No corpses in the streets but some damage still occurs.”

In conclusion, Stringer claimed that the consequences were “significant but manageable” due to the diligent work of the staff, adding that the academy could have been a “back door” to entry into other DoD systems.

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