Now yes, get ready because Google has set a deadline for one of its premium services


If you’re still using Hangouts, say goodbye, because Google plans to shut it down in November and will ask you to move to Chat soon.

Several months have passed since then Google made Hangouts go away forever On the Play Store, this is sure to be Once upon a time the leading instant messaging service from Google He has been officially dead since 2017 It never ended up closing permanently In Real World™.

If you are one of those users who are convinced that He still uses Hangouts day in and day out You have to say goodbye forever, and after so many detours, rumors and allegations that did not come true, it seems that Google plans to close it next November After closing the Workspace app last February.

Google Hangouts Says Final Goodbye

It looks like Google Hangouts is finally saying goodbye.

And if you still have hope, we have bad news, because this other movement does not seem in vain in this respect, since Google was going to start the process of migrating Hangouts users In its personal and free version towards google chatHe also explained this migration process in a short infographic:

Google Hangouts Migration

A brief infographic from Google explaining the Hangouts migration.

The Google Hangouts Paradox: ‘Dead’ Since 2017, But It Has Reached 5 Billion Downloads

As our colleagues tell us the edge after trail a Press release posted on Google Blogthere is no going back to this final migration and From Mountain View, they will gradually notify users of the transition to chat Before the final closure of Hangouts.

For those who are still Use Hangouts in your mobile appAs we said from the Play Store months ago, they will soon be told that they have to go to chat by notification. Next will be the one to use Hangouts in Gmail from the webnotification, which will begin in July.

google idea Be Prepared to Close Hangouts in Novemberkeeping the service active on the desktop website until the same month and always with a file Grace period of at least 30 daysas soon as the last users are notified, so that everyone can move to the chat at the right time.

Google will continue to improve Chat with more features that improve its appeal in the coming months, and will advise users who still use Hangouts to migrate their accounts to Google Chat in an automated process that will move our history and conversations.

It’s Google’s endless confusing move with messaging services, then After the still-forgotten Google Talk service was suspended just a few weeks ago From the catacombs, which Hangouts themselves came to replace years ago.

As for immigration, do not worry about it because it will not be complicated because Google should move all your chats and history to chat automaticallyoffering a Takeout service so we can Download a copy of your Hangouts data locally In case we want to save it before its final closing.

As they confirm it from the California giant Chat will continue to receive regular improvements in the coming monthswith the ability to actually make calls directly on the exit ramp, create threads in Spaces or share and view multiple photos, among the many features… We will track you!

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