Norway and the UK corner the EU: no agreement on 2023 quotas

Another year the situation repeats itself. And not because they are known to be less noticeable. United kingdomuntil two years ago part of the European Union, He would rather strike bargain hunting with Oslo than Brussels, once again surrounding the community negotiators, thus putting pressure on the fishing fleet of the riparian countries and those that fish in the Gran Sol, such as the Gallicans. As set out by the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginius SynkeviciusDuring that Speech in the European Parliament this weekTalks are still not closed, so with less than ten days to sit down with the 27 fisheries ministers for Negotiating TACs (total catch allowed) And 2023 installmentseverything points to it Temporary quotas for species in common with the British would be re-established.

Last year, it was not until December 22 when the European Union countries They agree to the deal Reached out between the EU and the UK for this year’s fishing opportunities. Before that, during the traditional marathon of quota negotiations that ended on the 13th, the EU was forced to propose temporary quotas, just as It happened a year ago.

  • Norway is throwing salt in the cod’s wound

“I met with the new Minister of the United Kingdom, and reiterated our position regarding reaching an agreement on TACs and quotas,” Sinkivicius commented during his appearance before MEPs. Why did you make this statement? Because Talks between Brussels and London stalledwhile on the other hand, the United Kingdom reached agreements with Norway.

Both countries Recently and without problems they renewed their fishing charterWhich allows 30 thousand tons of fish to be caught from each other in the waters of the other. The North’s Minister for Fisheries and Oceans said that “the negotiations took place in a positive environment, were effective and show that our relationship with Great Britain is close and strong”. Bjornar Skiran.

But it is not just the UK that is leaving the EU in a bind. Norway continues its difficult situation in the past years, especially since Britain’s exit from the European Union. In addition to allocating mackerel rations and evading scientific opinions and caused overfishing of the speciesand put In all fishing grounds where community vessels fish tooOslo shows its most difficult side in the agreements with the European Union itself.


“There are negotiations going on with Norway, it’s difficult. I can assure you that we are doing our best to defend our interests And to have equal conditions, ”Sinkivicius referred to the MEPs. But the fact is that the last round of negotiations ended without an agreement and now the third round looks essential.

Indeed, sources in the sector confirm, once again, that community share of cod in Svalbard waters, Archipelago under Norwegian control where in 2021 the share of the EU part was unilaterally reduced by the Nordic country, Going from 24,645 to 17,885 tons.

The following days will be crucial for the future of fishing Gransoleros and Galician cod. The meeting of EU fisheries ministers begins on Sunday 11. There it will be known whether these temporary quotas are necessary.

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