Nintendo responds to the latest Activision controversy

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last week, The Wall Street Journal He posted an article where he just didn’t mention it Bobby KotikAnd CEO of Activision BlizzardHe was aware of cases of harassment and discrimination within the company, but he was also one of the abusers. Given this, some companies like Microsoft And Sony He had something to say about it, and now he is nintendo who issued his own response.

Doug Bowser, The current president of Nintendo America, send an e-mail addressed to all employees of the company, as well as to some of its studies the first sideWhere they talk about the “worrying” situation he’s going through Activision Blizzard.

“With all of you, I’ve been up to date with recent developments at Activision Blizzard as well as continued reports of sexual harassment and toxicity within the company. These events appear to me to be concerning and troubling. They go against my own as well as Nintendo’s beliefs, values ​​and policies.”

cart keep saying that nintendo It is committed to providing a transparent and inclusive workspace, where all people are welcome, and hopes that its business partners follow the same ethical line. Without going into too much detail, the executive also states that the file great “He was in contact with ActivisionBesides they have taken action on this and are giving advice to others.”

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Editor’s note: Things are definitely out of people’s control Activision Blizzard, and it seems that the only way out at the moment is for the board of directors to also request a resignation KotikAnd who recently said he would be willing to do so if he was unable to rectify the situation.

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via: Van Byte

Rodolfo Leon

Editor at Gamer, movie enthusiast and pop culture lover.

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