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1. Click on the AdBlock icon , located in the browser extensions area (in the upper right corner of the screen). You may see a small number covering part of the icon.

2. Select Do not run on pages of this site.

3. In the Don't turn on AdBlock on… dialog box, select Exclude. The AdBlock icon will change to a fist with a thumbs up

1. Click on the AdBlock Plus icon , located in the browser extensions area (in the upper right corner of the screen). You may see a small number covering part of the icon.

2. Click the Activate button So that it slides to the left.

3. Click the Update button

1. Click on the uBlock Origin icon , located in the browser extensions area (in the upper right corner of the screen). You may see a small number covering part of the icon.

2. Click the Activate button. It will turn gray, indicating that ads from this website will no longer be blocked.

3. Click the Update button.

1. Click on the ad blocking extension icon installed in your browser. It is usually located in the upper right corner of the screen. It is possible that you have more than one ad blocker installed.

2. Follow the instructions to disable the ad blocker on the website you're viewing. You may need to select an option from a list or click a button.

3. Refresh the page by following the prompts or by clicking the refresh or reload button in your browser.

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