New photos of the Pixel Clock in all its glory

The image of the article with the title New Photos of the Pixel watch has been filtered, this time with its strap

picture: Your crown 414 / Imgur

New day, new batch of leaks from the new Google watch. The new images come courtesy of tagtech414, the same Redditor who leaked the previous images after someone left the prototype behind. In a restaurant.

These new photos show the watch with its official strap.The 20mm case is made of soft rubber and is very similar to FitBit watches. Tagtec 414 Ensures that it is completely uncomfortable to wear, but it is rest as soon as you reassure her that “It looks like you don’t have anything on your wrist.” In fact, it doesn’t stick when we bend the wrist or get irritated when we rest our arm on the table when writing. CordIt also resists grease stains or fingerprints.

On this occasion, tagtech414 did not share the images exclusively with a moderator as it did with the previous Android Central leak, but uploaded them directly to a gallery of Imgur Where you can appreciate the Pixel Watch in every detail.

The image of the article with the title New Photos of the Pixel watch has been filtered, this time with its strap

picture: Your crown 414 / Imgur

Tagtech414 commented on Reddit that it still fails to turn on the device, which is why we haven’t seen it work yet.. Redditor no.Or explain the causes of this problem. As for why it wasn’t shown on the leash earlier, the explanation is as questionable as the story of how to find it. Apparently, always according to his version, a friend found the prototype in a tape and gave it to him. The watch and case came in separate straps and your friend forgot to wear the strap when they left. That’s why these pictures now. The truth is that the story still seems strange.[[[[the edge]

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