New official Apple parts are so expensive that in some cases it’s best to send the phone in for repair

This is the Apple Toolkit that you can rent

This is the Apple Toolkit that you can rent
picture: Self Service Repair Shop

New European and US proposals for the right to repair prompted manufacturers like Apple to sell for the first time Genuine spare parts for your devices With tools to change it at home.

Apple has already launched a so-called “self-service repair program”, but only in the US and for three iPhone models: iPhone 12, iPhone 13 and the third generation iPhone SE.

Although we know that Apple’s parts store will eventually expand to other countries and will also include components for iPad and Mac, this first release disappointed some users with its high prices.

The new Apple parts store can be visited at While Samsung and Google They will sell their parts on iFixitApple has outsourced the service to a third-party company called SPOT, which explains why the website’s design isn’t like other Apple sites.

The store has more than 200 parts and tools for repairing the mentioned iPhone models, including small parts like screws and adhesives. But the prices are as high as Apple certified services. For example, an iPhone 13 screen assembly costs $269.95, and a battery assembly for the same phone costs $70.99. Alternatively, the cost of replacing the battery at the official Apple Store is $69, including labor, even if the phone is out of warranty.

Tampoco es rentable comprar las herramientas por separado. Un destornillador Torx cuesta 13,33 dólares, y la web no da detalles de sus especificaciones.

No obstante, Apple ofrece algunas facilidades para ahorrar dinero. Por un lado, puedes alquilar los kits de herramientas durante una semana por 49 dólares. Por otro, puedes entregar la pieza antigua para obtener un descuento. Te reembolsan 33,60 dólares si entregas la pantalla vieja al comprar la nueva.

De lo que no hay forma de escapar es vincular los repuestos a un único dispositivo. Apple solo permite reparaciones autorizadas mediante número de serie, lo que significa que no puedes comprar piezas para tu iPhone sin proporcionar su IMEI. Quizá esto cambie en el futuro (Apple Face ID will no longer be disabled When changing the iPhone 13 screen in unauthorized stores), but for now the repairs will be registered with the original parts.

If you need to change the screen, battery, camera, or speaker on your iPhone, you can now do so with genuine parts (at least in the US). But remember to take a look at the file Repair Manuals Before buying anything as it can be a more complicated process than you expect.

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