Netflix will remove the Standard Ad-Free plan from its offering in Canada and the UK

An online streaming platform that offers a wide range of audio-visual content, Netflixannounced that it will remove the ad-free Standard plan from its subscription offering, an action it has already begun implementing in some countries last year.

The company stressed that at the present time, the first users to test the modifications will be those residing in Canada and the United Kingdom.

he Standard plan With ads I mean 40% of all registrations In markets with advertisers, a number that supports the company's intention to eliminate the aforementioned plan, which does not display ads.

Company He began to withdraw the plan A standard in the summer, in countries like the United States, in a new way Subscribers stop getting it As an option, to choose between Standard with ads And the beloved.

he next stepas the company explained in the letter to investors last Tuesday, is a withdrawal Standard plan In some countries with advertisers, starting with Canada and the UK in the second quarter of this year, and going from there.

“We are striving Provide a range of prices The company explained that it plans to meet a wide range of needs, which includes very competitive initial prices, explaining that it may request from customers Users 'pay a little more' As they invest in the platform and improve it to “reflect those improvements.”

Likewise, it was lost Highlight success who are deemed to have taken action against account sharing; Jobs like Transfer profile Or additional members, according to the company, are “in high demand” and paying to participate is now the center of their business.

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