Netflix Why the ad-supported basic plan didn’t work in our audience data app test areas for advertisers | technology

a few months ago, They will launch a new basic plan with advertising between every hour of content. However, the plan didn’t seem to work as many advertisers requested refunds of their investment.

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Since last November 10, this new plan has been launched in different regions of the world. One was Spain, where it is estimated that it didn’t even reach 80% of the audience.

Does the Netflix Basic plan work?

In some European countries, like Spain, the basic plan came at a cost of €5.49, which included ads, a diminished catalog, and lower image quality.

All this combination of characteristics caused Netflix to fall short of expected numbers in terms of subscriptions. As a result, advertisers began asking for their money back.

Netflix advertisers requested a refund.

Netflix advertisers requested a refund.

The company had to return part of the investment funds. On the other hand, some have called for a reallocation of spending, with confidence that viewership will grow.

Netflix audience data exposed

In order for many advertisers to get into Netflix’s basic plan as part of advertising, it had to provide them with third-party approved audience information.

That’s why the platform has been benchmarked in countries like France and the UK with organizations like Médiamétrie and Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB), respectively.

In the case of the latter, I was able to reveal that, in the case of the Harry and Meghan documentary series, its viewership on the first day was 2.4 million people, which was reduced in the following seasons.

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