Netflix is ​​cancelling its cheapest plans in the UK and Canada

Netflix is ​​cancelling its cheapest plans in the UK and Canada

Netflix has started to pull its ad-free basic plan, Forcing users in the UK and Canada to choose a new plan to keep their subscription active. platform flow It has been tweaking its subscription options for several months, offering an ad-supported plan, eliminating the option to share accounts and increasing the cost of other methods.

In a previous announcement, Netflix has said it will stop offering its ad-free basic plan. For new subscribers, starting in Canada and the UK. Later, it confirmed the final cancellation of this plan, which also affects existing users in these countries.

Recently, users Reddit Subscribers to this plan in these regions reported receiving an email from Netflix informing them that this format has ended. Additionally, this notification appears on the app interface when logging in, indicating that “The master plan has been stopped.”

Netflix warns its users of this You must select another subscription plan to continue enjoying the content. Otherwise, your profile activity will be suspended. The options available are the ad-supported plan, the ad-free standard plan, or the premium plan. At this time, it is not known when this change will be implemented in other regions.

*This content was created with the help of artificial intelligence. The information was provided and reviewed by a journalist for accuracy. The content was not automatically generated.

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