Natofia Innovating Alternative Medicine Products | Entrepreneurship | Business

The Alternative and functional medicine It is increasingly relevant today. This research aims to treat people in an integrated way, searching for the origin of pathology and attacking it in a customized way.

It came six years ago natovia To the country as a natural pharmacy that distributes medicines, supplements, vitamins and natural products from laboratories.

Its creator, Laura Bermudez, highlighted: “During the time I worked in the lab, I had the opportunity to travel to headquarters in Germany, the country where homeopathy was created. In addition to learning how the products are created and how they work in the body, I was able to realize that in this country, the opposite of what happens In countries like Colombia, people first resort to treating themselves with natural medicine and last to the extent traditional medicine, and this should be the “should be”“.

For her little by little People are getting closer and closer to this kind of medicine. “Every day there are more and more studies on the side effects of traditional medicine, which, although necessary, there is an indiscriminate and unnecessary use that causes side effects on our health, because of COVID, people are starting to become more aware of the need for prevention and the best options in the field,” Bermudez said. Medicines for prevention are the ones we deal with in Natovia.

These types of medications treat general health such as: Allergies, Baby Care, Obesity, Pain, Nutrition, Immune System, Fatigue, Fatigueand stress, sleep, vitamins, and flower therapy, among others.

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“Alternative and functional medicine is the best option for holistic health solutions, because it cures the cause of disease. Conventional medicine relieves symptoms that reappear when their effect wears off,” noted Natofia’s creator.


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