National University of San Juan

From October 29 to 31 IV Sociology Congress, Six Decades of Social Perspective in San Juan. Reflections and Discussions on the Social Process.

The 4th Sociology Congress aims to create a meeting place to share and reflect on the complexity of the processes that pass through society. Teachers, students, graduates and researchers in the social and human sciences faced with political, economic, social and cultural reality are invited to share progress, results or lines of action that favor interdisciplinary dialogue, thus enhancing understanding and interpretation of social reality and facing the future of society. In light of the crisis of scientific production in our country, and the neglect of social sciences, it has become urgent to value sociological work, and to exchange and disseminate works that come from readings based on solid foundations and accurate data. Research allows us to know populations and groups, their interests and their connections, among other things.

The objectives of these sessions are:

Providing a space for meeting, exchange and reflection on the complexity of social processes and the fundamental role of sociology and the social sciences in general as historical subjects of transformation.

A dialogue on the importance of the role of the researcher as a reflective subject committed to societies and regions.

Generate interdisciplinary discussions that help enrich critical positions.

The 4th Sociology Conference invites you to add proposals to the agenda to open spaces for exchange and reflection. The deadline for proposals is August 5th.

For more information see 1to Attached circular

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